Goodbye Like button

In the coming weeks, we’re retiring the Like button for Pins.

There are lots of reasons why people like Pins on Pinterest. But, because we have both a Save button and a Like button, it hasn’t always been clear how they differ. After doing lots of research with Pinners, we found that Pinterest is easier to understand when we remove the Like button altogether.

Hello Save button

The good thing about the Save button is that the ideas you save are easy to get back to later. Not only can you organise Pins on different boards, you can search for them too. And, every time you save something, we get a clearer sense of what you’re into and can show you better ideas.

We've saved your Likes

We've moved any Pins you have liked to a new board on your profile called “Your Pinterest likes”. This board is secret, which means only you can see it. It’s easy to <> to your other boards if you want to.

We know it’s hard to say goodbye to something that’s been part of Pinterest for so long, and we appreciate you sticking with us whilst we make improvements.

If you’ve got any feedback, we'd love to hear.

– Kate Allchin, currently saving idea to Umbria