Now hashtags work on Pinterest!

With hashtags on Pinterest, now it’s easier than ever for people to find the freshest Pins for the businesses and topics they’re into.

Starting today, when you include hashtags in the description for a new Pin, Pinners can visit a feed of all the Pins that share that hashtag. Whether those Pins are promoted or not, the freshest Pins will always appear right up top.


How to hashtag

Hashtags on Pinterest work pretty much just like they do everywhere else. The key is to select the right hashtag for your Pin.

Try to be as specific and descriptive as possible. Use relevant words that clearly describe what your Pins are about. Depending on your Pin, hashtags on Pinterest work for everything from timely stuff (#olympics, #backtoschool) to evergreen ideas (#mealplanning, #homedecor).

If you have any questions, feel free to head over to our Help Centre FAQ page for more information.

Happy hashtagging!


—Kate Allchin, currently saving ideas to Think Ink