Baby elephants following mother.

Just like Twitter, you can “follow” on Pinterest.  Following lets you see the pins that you care about the most.  There are two ways to follow on Pinterest

Follow a User: When you visit someone’s Pinterest profile, you’ll see a button that says “Follow All”.  Once you push it, you’ll be following all the pinboards that person has created, and you’ll automatically follow any pinboard she creates in the future. I use “Follow All” for people whose taste I really admire, like my friend Sha and my sister Elizabeth.

Follow a Pinboard: Sometimes, you just want to follow a specific pinboard.  For instance, I LOVE Joy’s For the Home pinboard, but I’m steering clear of her Tasty Treats pinboard because it makes me too hungry.  In this case, I can just follow her individual pinboard.

As the Pinterest community grows, try following boards and people that really speak to your interests - whether that’s art, architecture, food, interior design, photography, or traveling!  It will make Pinterest more personal and fun.

Follow me on Pinterest

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